I want to know how can I access my localhost folder and go to some file like https://localhost:4040/index.html without using any external software. I just want to know the folder where I have to copy index.html so I can access this link.
I am using ngrok but it returns a 404 error. I tried putting the index.html in the same directory as ngrok.exe
allows you to expose a web server running on your local machine to the internet.
If you just want to access your localhost
folder, you don't need ngrok
Either way, the first step is to run a web server — a one-liner on Python.
If you have Python 3:
python -m http.server 8000
If you have Python 2:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
The file is now accessible at http://localhost:8000/index.html.
If you want to access your localhost
on another device, run ngrok:
ngrok http 8000
You should see a line like:
Forwarding https://92832de0.ngrok.io -> localhost:8000
The file is now accessible at https://92832de0