I've been running a Rails 3.2 with Ruby 1.9.3 for a while now. Recently I added Rails 5.1 and Ruby 2.4.
I used rvm to install Ruby2.4.
Today I had occasion to cd into one of my old projects and run rake db:migrate
, and I got the following message:
Gem::LoadError: You have already activated rake 12.0.0, but your Gemfile requires rake Prepending `bundle exec` to your command may solve this.
Prepending 'bundle exec' did solve the problem but for my knowledge I would like to understand what happened. I thought the whole point of a Gem file within the project was to lock in the required gems.
So somewhere on my machine clearly there is still rake but why did my command 'rake db:migrate' not use that automatically?
Reason: Some of the gem might have locked rake gem to that version.You are getting this as version of rake inside gemlock file is different than the one you have already installed.
bundle update
edit the gemlock file. open Gemfile.lock and change
rake ( to rake (12.0.0)
remove Gemfile.lock and run bundle install
once again.This will create
Gemfile.lock once again.