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Multiple kernels with Atom Hydrogen

I want to use several different, separate IPython kernels simultaneously on different files in Atom with the Hydrogen plugin. By now I can use Hydrogen, it works perfectly, but the same kernel is used for all files (so I cannot run several files at the same time).

I am aware of the discussion here: but I have difficulty understanding which method I should use and putting it into practise. Guess it is still a bit under development.

In particular, I can use Crtl+Shift+P and search for [hydrogen select kernel], but then I only see one entry called [Python 2]. I do not find any command to open new Python2 kernels (in order to get, for example, to choose between [Python 2 inst 1], [Python 2 inst 2], etc).

So my question is:

Is there a simple way to open several distinct instances of a Python 2 kernel in Hydrogen?

If not, has somebody a good method to suggest (would be nice to have description of detailed steps) for using simultaneously several kernels in Hydrogen?


  • It looks like Hydrogen 2.0 adds this feature (I have not tested it yet though):

    Three commands to start a new kernel:

    "Start Local Kernel" (default when executing code in a new file)

    "Connect to Existing Kernel" (replaces "Switch Kernel")

    "Connect to Remote Kernel"