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How to retain date/time format in xtable for an email

I am looking to email a nicely formatted table from R using xtable. I found this thread explaining how to email an xtable easily, which works and the table looks great. However each time I do my date/time columns convert to numeric.

My email code:

body=print(xtable(myData), type="html")

My dates convert from YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss to numeric (e.g. 1508117307.17). I've tried a number of ways to try to convert it back using things like transform and as.Date(), but no matter what I do the dates still convert to numeric.

Is it possible to coerce xtable to retain my original date/time format?

Thank you!


  • Convert the date to character using as.character() before printing the table should do the job.

    Disclaimer: I moved this answer here from the comments so other users can make use of the solution.