I am using ios-charts in swift language. I need to show more data when clicking on every circle in LineChart. I can only show one value (Y axis - in image : price without dollar sign). Is it possible to implement below image? More values, empty circles, and fill circle when clicking.
Yes, you can. Marker can show anything you want as long as you prepare the data. You need to figure out how to pass them into marker. e.g. subclass chart marker and modify draw() to draw your values. ChartDataEntry has an initializer with 3 parameters (x, y, data). You can pass more values in data, when clicking on an item refreshContent from BalloonMarker will call. entry parameter is all of your needs.
open override func refreshContent(entry: ChartDataEntry, highlight: Highlight)
setLabel("\(entry.data as! String)\n \(String(entry.y))")
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