I want to create two filters on the same resource and the same source with referenceInputs but for different queries, like this :
<ReferenceInput source="productCode" reference="product" filterToQuery=
{searchText => ({ name: searchText+'*' })}>
<AutocompleteInput optionText="name" allowEmpty/>
<ReferenceInput source="productCode"
label='resources.product.fields.code' reference="product" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ code: searchText+'*' })}>
<AutocompleteInput optionText="code" allowEmpty />
But I get an error :
proxyConsole.js:56 Warning: flattenChildren(...): Encountered two children with the same key, .$productCode
. Child keys must be unique;
and the second filter is not rendered.
I tried to add distinct "key" parameters on referenceInputs and/or AutoCompleInputs but I still have the error.
Can I use any work around ?
This scenario is not supported currently. Please open an issue in the admin-on-rest repository.