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Compilers that required # on the first column?

Were there widely used pre-ANSI C compilers that required the # to be on the first column?

† I would accept any compiler on this list. If I can find mention of it in the comp.lang.c Usenet newsgroup in a post dated before 1995, I would accept it.

K&R C did not specify whether whitespace was permitted before the #. From the original The C Programming Language, §12¶1 of the "C Reference Manual" in Appendix A:

The C compiler contains a preprocessor capable of macro substitution, conditional compilation, and inclusion of named files. Lines beginning with # communicate with this preprocessor.

Thus, whether or not whitespace was permitted to precede the # was unspecified. This would mean a pre-ANSI compiler could fail to compile a program if the directive did not begin on the first column.

In ISO C (and in ANSI C before that), the C preprocessing directives were explicitly permitted to be prefixed with whitespace. In ANSI C (C-89):

A preprocessing directive consists of a sequence of preprocessing tokens that begins with a # preprocessing token that is either the first character in the source file (optionally after white space containing no new-line characters) or that follows white space containing at least one new-line character, and is ended by the next new-line character.

ISO C.2011 has similar language, but is clarified even further:

A preprocessing directive consists of a sequence of preprocessing tokens that satisfies the following constraints: The first token in the sequence is a # preprocessing token that (at the start of translation phase 4) is either the first character in the source file (optionally after white space containing no new-line characters) or that follows white space containing at least one new-line character. The last token in the sequence is the first newline character that follows the first token in the sequence.165) A new-line character ends the preprocessing directive even if it occurs within what would otherwise be an invocation of a function-like macro.
165) Thus, preprocessing directives are commonly called ‘‘lines’’. These ‘‘lines’’ have no other syntactic significance, as all white space is equivalent except in certain situations during preprocessing (see the # character string literal creation operator in, for example).


  • Short answer: Yes.

    I remember writing things like

    #if foo
        /* ... */
    #if bar
        /* ... */
     #error "neither foo nor bar specified"

    so that the various pre-ANSI compilers that I once used wouldn't complain about "unrecognized preprocessor directive '#error'". This would have been with Ritchie's original cc for the pdp11, or pcc (the "portable C compiler" which, IIRC, was the basis for the Vax cc of the 80's or so). Both of those compilers -- more accurately, the preprocessor used with both of those compilers -- definitely required the # to be in the first column. (Actually, although those compilers were very different, they might both have used different variants of basically the same preprocessor, which was always a separate program in those days.)