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how to highlight/change color to particular word in a table in html5?

If there is a table, and the last column is called result. I want to highlight all the cell/text that has "Failed".

How can I do that?

I need to use html5 with a table from kdb.

Currently my email function is this

cmd:"echo \"",message, "\" | mutt -e  \"my_hdr 
From:[email protected]\" -e \"my_hdr Content-Type: 
text/html\" ",emailadd, " -s \"",subject,"\"";
sent:@[{system x;1b};cmd;{.log.error"Failure sending email. Reason: ",x;0b}];
 if[sent; "Sent email to ",emailadd ];

htmlMailBody[mailRCP ;"health check";(,/)("<h2>SOD CHECKS<hr /></h2>";"<br />";markup[result];"<br />")];

This didnt work. if replace markup[result] with a kdb table it will work.


  • To markup your HTML table direct from q, use the markup functions in the .h namespace.

    Let your table be t.

    a  b  c  d  result
    94 66 8  82 success
    8  24 62 47 failed
    97 60 95 26 success
    52 69 59 93 success

    Make a corresponding table at of attributes for the HTML td elements. Start with empty dictionaries, for no attributes. An empty dictionary is ()!().

    q)show at:flip (cols t)! (count each(cols t;t))#enlist ()!()
    a     b     c     d     result
    ()!() ()!() ()!() ()!() ()!()
    ()!() ()!() ()!() ()!() ()!()
    ()!() ()!() ()!() ()!() ()!()
    ()!() ()!() ()!() ()!() ()!()

    Update the result column of at according to the result column of t.

    q)update result:([]color:(sum f)#enlist"red")from `at where f
    a     b     c     d     result
    ()!() ()!() ()!() ()!() ()!()
    ()!() ()!() ()!() ()!() (,`color)!,"red"
    ()!() ()!() ()!() ()!() ()!()
    ()!() ()!() ()!() ()!() ()!()

    We can use .h.htac to mark up the table cells with the attribute dictionaries. First the table cells as strings:

    q)string t cols t
    "94"      ,"8"     "97"      "52"
    "66"      "24"     "60"      "69"
    ,"8"      "62"     "95"      "59"
    "82"      "47"     "26"      "93"
    "success" "failed" "success" "success"

    Never mind that they’ve been flipped. Now the dictionaries from at – also flipped.

    q)at cols t
    ()!() ()!()            ()!() ()!()
    ()!() ()!()            ()!() ()!()
    ()!() ()!()            ()!() ()!()
    ()!() ()!()            ()!() ()!()
    ()!() (,`color)!,"red" ()!() ()!()

    We can use these as the second and first arguments respectively of .h.htac. The each-both adverb will iterate over corresponding rows, but we want corresponding cells, so .h.htac'' to iterate within cells within rows.

    q).h.htac''[`td;at cols t;string t cols t]
    "<td>94</td>"      "<td>8</td>"                    "<td>97</td>"      "<td>52..
    "<td>66</td>"      "<td>24</td>"                   "<td>60</td>"      "<td>69..
    "<td>8</td>"       "<td>62</td>"                   "<td>95</td>"      "<td>59..
    "<td>82</td>"      "<td>47</td>"                   "<td>26</td>"      "<td>93..
    "<td>success</td>" "<td color=\"red\">failed</td>" "<td>success</td>" "<td>su.. 

    Function markup assembles the HTML table element:

    markup:{[t][`tr;]raze[`th;] each string cols t;                           / table head
      at:flip (cols t)! (count each(cols t;t))#enlist ()!();                         / empty attribute dictionaries
      at:update result:([]color:(sum f)#enlist"red")from at where f;                 / attributes for result failed[`tr;]each raze each flip .h.htac''[`td;at cols t;string t cols t];   / table rows[`table;][`thead;th],[`tbody;raze tr]

    Using a table of attribute dictionaries is a robust technique that can be adapted to all kinds of highlighting, or providing IDs for client-side scripts.