I am trying to extract mailing addresses contained within entries on a website (and export to CSV). The page is coded such that over 400 address-containing entries are grouped into a single web element, and the data cannot be scraped automatically. The addresses appear between two identical strings for every single entry.
"4pm to 9pm, 12345 Main St, Seattle, WA, Bring friends!"
You can use Regular Expressions to achieve that. You didnt provided any details about the program language you will use to do that, so i will cover only the regular expression part (and then you can do some research of how to do it with your preferred language - almost all languages provide great support of Regular Expressions).
Lets take the string
"4pm to 9pm, 12345 Main St, Seattle, WA, Bring friends!"
Using regular expressions to extract the portion of the string you want:
/^4pm to 9pm, ([A-Za-z0-9, ]+), Bring friends\!$/
It can be tweak to attend to your needs (you only provide 1 sample of the string, other samples can affect the results). Try it in regex101.com
based on the comment, you could use a regular expression like:
/pm\n([A-Za-z0-9, ]+)\nInstructors/
You should revise the character classes (the characters that can appear in the address). I've tested in regex101.com and it worked for the example you provided in the comments.