How can I show an AltertDialog after 3 launches once? I only know how to do something at the first start of the App(I am a beginner with Android and Sharedpreferences):
if (settings.getBoolean("my_first_time", true)) {
Log.d("Comments", "First time");
// Action which is done at first launch
// save first launch
settings.edit().putBoolean("my_first_time", false).commit();
} else {
//not first time
Thank's, Felix
You can do it by updating sharedPreferences by 1 and check if it is equal to 3, if it is then show alertDialog.
Here is an rough example.
In your onCreate
method, add this:
int appLaunchedFor = getSharedPreferences("app_info", MODE_PRIVATE).getInt("counter", 0);
if (appLaunchedFor == 3) {
// Launch AlertDialog;
// Now increment by 1 so that alertDialog will not launch again.
getSharedPreferences("app_info", MODE_PRIVATE).edit().putInt("counter", ++appLaunchedFor).commit();
} else if (appLaunchedFor < 3) {
getSharedPreferences("app_info", MODE_PRIVATE).edit().putInt("counter", ++appLaunchedFor).commit();