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Uber API invalid scope error using python

i'm a Uber Driver and i'm developing a python code to retrive the driver history with API Uber. I have seen the documentation and i have write this first code to first step auth:

from uber_rides.auth import AuthorizationCodeGrant
auth_flow = AuthorizationCodeGrant(
 auth_url = auth_flow.get_authorization_url().replace('+','')

as scope i have set partner.trips that doc say if you use this endpoint to retrive trips:

when i run the code this is the url result:

but when i put the url into browser i recive this error:


error invalid scope. I have seen into my developer dashbord and i don't have this scope, but i have scope history. So if set history as scope i receive the code into redirect url but if i use this code to generate a token and use the token call this end point:

i recive this error:

{"message":"This endpoint requires at least one of the following scopes: partner.trips, partner.admin_trips.locations, partner.admin_trips","code":"unauthorized"}

any help please??? i'm becoming creazy.


  • It sounds like you do not have the partner.trips scope:
    "I have seen into my developer dashboard and i don't have this scope."

    As you do not have this scope and thus the error message you are receiving is correct:

    {"message":"This endpoint requires at least one of the following scopes: partner.trips, partner.admin_trips.locations, partner.admin_trips","code":"unauthorized"}

    Entering the history scope does not get you access to the driver API partner.trips scope. You can apply for Driver API access (currently limited) via