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iOS swift: selecting a cell I want to select the entire row

I have a calendar, and I want to select an entire row (week) when I select a day.. this is my code so far:

//When a date is selected
func calendar(_ calendar: JTAppleCalendarView, didSelectDate date: Date, cell: JTAppleCell?, cellState: CellState) {

    selectTheWeek(of: date)
    setupLayoutCell(cell: cell, cellState: cellState)


func selectTheWeek(of date: Date) {
    let starOfTheWeek = date.startOfWeek()
    let endOfTheWeeK = date.endOfWeek()
    calendarCollectionView.selectDates(from: starOfTheWeek, to: endOfTheWeeK)

extension Date {
func startOfWeek() -> Date {
    let calendar = Calendar.autoupdatingCurrent
    let currentDateComponents = calendar.dateComponents([.yearForWeekOfYear, .weekOfYear], from: self)
    return currentDateComponents)!

func endOfWeek() -> Date {
    let cal = Calendar.autoupdatingCurrent
    var component = DateComponents()
    component.weekOfYear = 1 = -1
    return component, to: startOfWeek())!

the problem is that I'm having an infinite loop, and it's clear the reason. But I don't know how to prevent it. Any help?

JTAppleCalender is an external library. It's an extension of a collectionView.


  • You can use 2 techniques to break the loop.


    calendarViewselectDates(from: starOfTheWeek, to: endOfTheWeeK, triggerSelectionDelegate: false)

    By setting triggerSelectionDelegate to false, your delegate function didSelect will not be called.


    If you are using MasterBranch code (which i'll be releasing in a week or so), you can know whether or not your selection is programmer initiated vs user initiated. You know this by --> cellState.

    if cellState.selectionType == .programatic {
       // ignore stuff        
    } else {
       // Do stuff

    You can put this if statement in your shouldSelect function.