I have a DataBound CheckedListBox, I "check" few items on list box(source), then I need to clone it to new Checked List Box(target). It need to have all the data, with checked state. I have tried with following function. It is properly flowing through this function.
But finally I can see items on target CheckedListBox but none of the items in target is checked.
private void CloneCheckedListBox(CheckedListBox source, CheckedListBox target)
foreach (int checkedItemIndex in source.CheckedIndices)
target.SetItemChecked(checkedItemIndex, true);
I have a User control which I have placed on a TabPage, on that User Control there is a "CheckedListBox", I do need to create a new TabPage with the user entered value on selected(current) TabPage(on User Control)
So, what I have done is, create a new Tab Page, get a Copy of the User Control calling it's "Clone()" method.
In "Clone()" method need to have CheckedListBox cloning feature.
Here is my Cloning Code, which is on User Control...
public SearchMain Clone()
SearchMain smClone = new SearchMain();
smClone.txtManufacturers.Text = this.txtManufacturers.Text;
smClone.udPriceFrom.Value = this.udPriceFrom.Value;
smClone.udPriceTo.Value = this.udPriceTo.Value;
smClone.chkOld.Checked = this.chkOld.Checked;
smClone.chkPrx.Checked = this.chkPrx.Checked;
smClone.chkDisc.Checked = this.chkDisc.Checked;
smClone.chkStock.Checked = this.chkStock.Checked;
smClone.chkFirstDes.Checked = this.chkFirstDes.Checked;
smClone.chkFirstPN.Checked = this.chkFirstPN.Checked;
smClone.txtSuppPN.Text = this.txtSuppPN.Text;
smClone.txtManuPN.Text = this.txtManuPN.Text;
smClone.txtManufacturers.Text = this.txtManufacturers.Text;
smClone.meDesAND.Text = this.meDesAND.Text;
smClone.meDesOR.Text = this.meDesOR.Text;
smClone.meDesNOT.Text = this.meDesNOT.Text;
**CloneCheckedListBox(this.clbLang, smClone.clbLang);**
// CloneCheckedListBox(this.clbTypes, smClone.clbTypes);
return smClone;
You can see correct answere here..