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Login failed for user (but not really) in SSDT in SQL Server 2017

I have a weird problem with SSDT(Visual Studio 2017 server explorer) when I try to view the tables in my Database

In SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio 2017) I created a database with a new user called admin. This user has public and sysadmin permissions and can execute CRUD queries and see the tables in the Object Explorer. As shown in this SSMS view image

So everything is working fine... However, when I try to connect to the database from VS2017 with SSDT I succeed to connect to the server, but I cant view the tables inside the Server Explorer and it throws me the "Login Failed for user..." error. However when I try the same with the SQL Server Object Explorer it works fine: like shown here

Why do i get this error? The credentials are correct otherwise it wouldn't have worked in SSMS and object explorer. My permissions are correct otherwise I wouldn't have been able to create the table and insert data into it. Why do I get the Login failed error in the Server Explorer?


  • Okay so I managed to fix the "problem",

    I was entering the correct credentials, but it was still giving me this error. So what i tried this time is to eneabled the Save my password checkbox.... and it worked...

    I deleted the connection and created a new connection (without checking the Save my password) and again the same error. So i enabled the checkbox again and it worked...

    I think when trying to reach for the tables it re-authenticates at the SQL server, and since the checkbox Save my password was not enabled, it didnt have a password to authenticate with.