If I execute a gremlin query in the gremlin-console
, is there a way to see the Cassandra queries DSE Graph generates?
DSE Graph provides an extended set of attributes to the results of TinkerPop's profile() step - here is an example of the output:
gremlin> g.V().has('recipe','name','spaghetti').profile()
==>Traversal Metrics
Step Count Traversers Time (ms) % Dur
DsegGraphStep([~label.=(recipe), name.=(spaghet... 1 1 97.087 81.00
query-optimizer 22.802
\_condition=(((label = recipe) & (true)) & name = spaghetti)
query-setup 1.134
index-query 19.838
\_statement=SELECT "community_id", "member_id" FROM "junk"."recipe_p" WHERE "name" = ? LIMIT ?; with para
ms (java.lang.String) spaghetti, (java.lang.Integer) 50000
\_options=Options{consistency=Optional[ONE], serialConsistency=Optional.empty, fallbackConsistency=Option
al.empty, pagingState=null, pageSize=-1, user=Optional.empty, waitForSchemaAgreement=true, asyn
DsegPropertyLoadStep 1 1 22.772 19.00
>TOTAL - - 119.860 -