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How can I embed a Python function that returns a string in C using cffi?

I'm trying to embed a Python function in C using PyPy and cffi. I'm following this guide from the PyPy documentation.

The problem is, all the examples I've found operate on ints, and my function takes a string and returns a string. I can't seem to figure out how to embed this function in C, as C doesn't seem to really have strings, rather making do with arrays of chars.

Here's what I've tried:


import cffi

ffi = cffi.FFI()
struct API {
    char (*generate_cool_page)(char url[]);


@ffi.callback("char[] (char[])")
def generate_cool_page(url):
    # do some processing with BS4
    return str(soup)

def fill_api(ptr):
    global api 
    api = ffi.cast("struct API*", ptr)
    api.generate_cool_page = generate_cool_page


// c_tests.c

#include "PyPy.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct API {
    char (*generate_cool_page)(char url[]);

struct API api;   /* global var */

int initialize_api(void)
    static char source[] =
        "import sys; sys.path.insert(0, '.'); "
        "import interface; interface.fill_api(c_argument)";
    int res;

    res = pypy_setup_home(NULL, 1);
    if (res) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error setting pypy home!\n");
        return -1;
    res = pypy_execute_source_ptr(source, &api);
    if (res) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error calling pypy_execute_source_ptr!\n");
        return -1;
    return 0;

int main(void)
    if (initialize_api() < 0)
        return 1;


    return 0;

When I run gcc -I/opt/pypy3/include -Wno-write-strings c_tests.c -L/opt/pypy3/bin -lpypy3-c -g -o c_tests and then run ./c_tests, I get this error:

debug: OperationError:
debug:  operror-type: CDefError
debug:  operror-value: cannot render the type <char()(char *)>: it is a function type, not a pointer-to-function type
Error calling pypy_execute_source_ptr!

I don't have a ton of experience with C and I feel like I'm misrepresenting the string argument/return value. How do I do this properly?

Thanks for your help!


  • Note that you should not be using pypy's deprecated interface to embedding; instead, see

    The C language doesn't have "strings", but only arrays of chars. In C, a function that wants to return a "string" is usually written differently: it accepts as first argument a pointer to a pre-existing buffer (of type char[]), and as a second argument the length of that buffer; and when called, it fills the buffer. This can be messy because you ideally need to handle buffer-too-small situations in the caller, e.g. allocate a bigger array and call the function again.

    Alternatively, some functions give up and return a freshly malloc()-ed char *. Then the caller must remember to free() it, otherwise a leak occurs. I would recommend that approach in this case because guessing the maximum length of the string before the call might be difficult.

    So, something like that. Assuming you start with, change plugin.h to contain::

    // return type is "char *"
    extern char *generate_cool_page(char url[]);

    And change this bit of

        from my_plugin import ffi, lib
        def generate_cool_page(url):
            url = ffi.string(url)
            # do some processing
            return lib.strdup(str(soup))   # calls malloc()
        #include <string.h>
        char *strdup(const char *);

    From the C code, you don't need initialize_api() at all in the new embedding mode; instead, you just say #include "plugin.h" and call the function directly::

    char *data = generate_cool_page("");
    if (data == NULL) { handle_errors... }
    printf("Got this: '%s'\n", data);
    free(data);   // important!