I am trying to write the values of below list in a txt file , in a specific way
valList = ['1','Age',' Address has spaces','employee','98363','hobbies has space in it ']
1,Age,"Address has spaces",employee,98363,"hobbies has space in it "
Here if you see valList is a heterogeneous list , my only intention is write the values which had spaces in it surrounded by double quotes, rest all values should be written as it is . So far I have tried :
valList = ['1','Age',' Address has spaces','employee','98363','hobbies has space in it ']
# Output = 1,Age,"Address has spaces",employee,98363,"hobbies has space in it "
valstr = ",".join(valList)
with open('sample.txt','wb') as file:
file.write('\n' + " \"" + valList[2] + "\" ")
Using file.write('\n' + " \"" + valList[2] + "\" ") line I am able to write a single value with quotes , but I need a generic way to write values with spaces in it for the given list .
Any help would be highly appreciated .
You have CSV data. Use the csv
module and it'll automatically use quoting where needed:
import csv
valList = ['1', 'Age', ' Address has spaces', 'employee', '98363', 'hobbies has space in it ']
with open('sample.txt', 'wb') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
This will quote values as needed; when there is a comma in the field value, or a newline, for example. This doesn't quite fit your exact requirements but a compliant CSV reader will be able to get the exact same values from the file again when reading.
If you MUST have quotes on columns with spaces, you can disable the automatic quoting and add the quotes manually:
import csv
valList = ['1','Age',' Address has spaces','employee','98363','hobbies has space in it ']
with open('sample.txt', 'wb') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, quotechar='')
writer.writerow(['"{}"'.format(v) if ' ' in v else v for v in valList])
The list comprehension wraps anything with a space in the value in double quotes. Note that because we disabled quoting here, values with commas or newlines in them will be refused by the csv.writer()
as it now can't quote them.
Demo of both methods:
>>> import sys
>>> import csv
>>> valList = ['1', 'Age', ' Address has spaces', 'employee', '98363', 'hobbies has space in it ']
>>> writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout)
>>> writer.writerow(valList)
1,Age, Address has spaces,employee,98363,hobbies has space in it
>>> writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, quotechar='')
>>> writer.writerow(['"{}"'.format(v) if ' ' in v else v for v in valList])
1,Age," Address has spaces",employee,98363,"hobbies has space in it "