I do not want localization support in ASP.NET Boilerplate, please let me know how can I disable it (if possible).
Comment out these lines in DefaultLanguagesCreator.cs:
private static List<ApplicationLanguage> GetInitialLanguages()
return new List<ApplicationLanguage>
new ApplicationLanguage(null, "en", "English", "famfamfam-flags gb"),
// new ApplicationLanguage(null, "ar", "العربية", "famfamfam-flags sa"),
// new ApplicationLanguage(null, "de", "German", "famfamfam-flags de"),
// new ApplicationLanguage(null, "it", "Italiano", "famfamfam-flags it"),
// new ApplicationLanguage(null, "fr", "Français", "famfamfam-flags fr"),
// new ApplicationLanguage(null, "pt-BR", "Portuguese", "famfamfam-flags br"),
// new ApplicationLanguage(null, "tr", "Türkçe", "famfamfam-flags tr"),
// new ApplicationLanguage(null, "ru", "Русский", "famfamfam-flags ru"),
// new ApplicationLanguage(null, "zh-CN", "简体中文", "famfamfam-flags cn"),
// new ApplicationLanguage(null, "es-MX", "Español México", "famfamfam-flags mx"),
// new ApplicationLanguage(null, "ja", "日本語", "famfamfam-flags jp")
If you have seeded before, remove the entries from the AbpLanguages
table in the database.
Comment out this line in Account/_Layout.cshtml to disable language selection before login:
Comment out this line in Shared/_Layout.cshtml to disable language selection after login:
@*@await Component.InvokeAsync(typeof(TopBarLanguageSwitchViewComponent))*@