I have the following classes implementing a "Delegation Design Pattern" with an additional DelegatorParent class:
class DelegatorParent():
def __init__(self):
self.a = 'whatever'
class ConcreteDelegatee():
def myMethod(self):
return 'myMethod'
class Delegator(DelegatorParent):
def __init__(self):
self.delegatee = ConcreteDelegatee()
def __getattr__(self, attrname):
return getattr(self.delegatee, attrname)
a = Delegator()
result = a.myMethod()
Everything looks fine.
Now I would like to put an abstract method in DelegatorParent, to ensure that "myMethod" is always defined.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
class DelegatorParent():
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def myMethod(self):
def __init__(self):
self.a = 'whatever'
class ConcreteDelegatee():
def myMethod(self):
return 'myMethod'
class Delegator(DelegatorParent):
def __init__(self):
self.delegatee = ConcreteDelegatee()
def __getattr__(self, attrname):
return getattr(self.delegatee, attrname)
# This method seems unnecessary, but if I erase it an exception is
# raised because the abstract method's restriction is violated
def myMethod(self):
return self.delegatee.myMethod()
a = Delegator()
result = a.myMethod()
Can you help me find an "elegant" way to remove "myMethod" from "Delegator"... Intuition tells me that it is somehow redundant (considering that a custom getattr method is defined).
And more importantly, notice that with this implementation, if I forget to define myMethod in ConcreteDelegatee the program compiles, but it may crash in runtime if I call Delegator.myMethod(), which is exactly what I wanted to avoid by using abstract methods in DelegatorParent.
Obviously a simple solution would be to move @abstractmethod to the Delegator class, but I want to avoid doing that because in my program DelegatorParent is a very important class (and Delegator is just an auxiliary class).
You can decide to automatically implement abstract methods delegared to ConcreteDelegatee
For each abstract method, check if it's name exist in the ConcreteDelegatee
class and implement this method as a delegate to this class method.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
class DelegatorParent(object):
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self):
self.a = 'whatever'
def myMethod(self):
class Delegatee(object):
class ConcreteDelegatee(Delegatee):
def myMethod(self):
return 'myMethod'
def myMethod2(self):
return 'myMethod2'
class Delegator(DelegatorParent):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
implemented = set()
for name in cls.__abstractmethods__:
if hasattr(ConcreteDelegatee, name):
def delegated(this, *a, **kw):
meth = getattr(this.delegatee, name)
return meth(*a, **kw)
setattr(cls, name, delegated)
cls.__abstractmethods__ = frozenset(cls.__abstractmethods__ - implemented)
obj = super(Delegator, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
obj.delegatee = ConcreteDelegatee()
return obj
def __getattr__(self, attrname):
# Called only for attributes not defined by this class (or its bases).
# Retrieve attribute from current behavior delegate class instance.
return getattr(self.delegatee, attrname)
# All abstract methods are delegared to ConcreteDelegatee
a = Delegator()
print(a.myMethod()) # correctly prints 'myMethod'
print(a.myMethod2()) #correctly prints 'myMethod2'
This solves the main problem (prevent ConcreteDelegatee
from forgetting to define myMethod
). Other abstract methods are still checked if you forgot to implement them.
The __new__
method is in charge of the delegation, that frees your __init__
to do it.