I am trying to store data into my Athena DB from S3 and I have date time format that looks like this :-
I am trying to set format to timestamp but it is not recognizable, thus no data was inserted into the table. I set the the format as bigint just to insert the data and my query looks something like this.
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS default.elb_logs ( 'request_timestamp' bigint, 'id' int, .....)
I tried to convert in Quicksight, however when I edit data fields and change it to date, i became like this :-
Can someone help me on how I can handle this type of date format?
I recommend loading your date time as a string, then parsing it to a timestamp in your select queries using the parse_datetime function. For JSON data like:
{"dt": "20171011133902", ... }
And your date/time field defined as a string:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE scratch.test_dates (
`dt` string
A query using parse_datetime
to reformat dt as a proper timestamp:
parse_datetime(dt, 'YYYYMMddHHmmss') as parsed_date
Will yield a timestamp with timezone (as UTC in your case):
2017-10-11 13:39:02.000 UTC