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Adding a swipe listener to textView in Anko

I'm looking to add swipe detection to a textView. I'm using Anko with Kotlin, and when it comes to setting up the textView, I'm able to specify an onClick event, but when I try to add an onTouch or any other gesture, it seems to fail for me (the fix-it just alternates between telling me to put stuff in parentheses and take it out again). I've included the code below and would appreciate any help!


        var title = textView{
            text = "Title Name"
            textSize = 24f

                if(caller.returnedData != ""){

            onTouch {
                // code to recognise touch here

            topMargin = dip(180)


  • With Anko it's easy like a sharm:

    onTouch { view, event ->
                    // .. Respond to touch events
                    // put return value at the end:
                    true    // or view.onTouchEvent(event) to proceed other events

    It's equal to the following Java code:

    myView.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
       public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
          // ... Respond to touch events
          return true;