I googled the question above and found an answer about crm 2013 - it's possible to have up to 10 business flows per entity, I'm using crm 2016 and current added 17 business flows to a single entity, I need to know if in crm 2016 there is a limitation on business flow per entity and if there is how many can I create per Entity?
You can have 10+ Business process flows created per entity in CRM, but only of 10 (maximum) can be activated at any point of time. Other BPFs will be in draft mode.
To ensure acceptable performance and the usability of the user interface, there are some limitations you need to be aware of when you plan to use business process flows:
There can be no more than 10 activated business process flow processes per entity.
Each process can contain no more than 30 stages.
Multi-entity processes can contain no more than five entities.
Applies To
Dynamics 365 (online)
Dynamics 365 (on-premises)
Dynamics CRM Online
Dynamics CRM 2016
Dynamics CRM 2015
Dynamics CRM 2013
If you have more than 10 activated BPFs, Verify if someone in your team modified your CRM database entry (if it’s onprem) MaximumActiveBusinessProcessFlowsAllowedPerEntity in an unsupported way.