First of all this is my data:
fpergandei mintemp2 moist2
1 0 1.29569224 0.24947803
2 0 1.40509105 -1.17491998
3 0 0.74869815 0.05498936
4 0 1.51448987 -1.58242006
5 0 2.49907923 -1.46943140
6 0 -1.00168292 2.16472842
7 0 -0.01709357 1.64979649
8 0 -0.34529002 1.65535331
9 1 -0.56408765 -1.00821540
10 1 -0.01709357 0.40506897
11 1 0.20170407 -0.22840843
12 1 0.42050170 -0.28027207
13 0 -1.00168292 0.92370544
14 0 -1.98627227 1.04039865
15 0 0.09230525 1.36639871
16 0 -0.23589120 1.32564870
17 1 -0.78288528 -0.18210160
18 1 -0.89228410 -0.25248798
19 1 -0.01709357 -0.81557900
20 1 1.95208514 -0.72481762
21 1 0.31110289 -1.75282919
22 1 0.31110289 -0.58219259
23 1 0.09230525 -0.27286298
24 1 0.96749579 -0.07281749
25 1 -0.23589120 0.07536436
26 1 -0.01709357 -0.04688566
27 1 -1.22048055 -0.41363574
28 1 -0.23589120 -0.54699940
29 1 -0.45468883 -0.19691978
30 1 -0.67348647 0.89036452
31 1 -1.65807582 0.84035315
32 1 -0.45468883 -1.03785177
note i factorized "fpergandei" to make it two levels of 1 and 0
So I recently ran a GLM binomial with two continuous explanatory variables. The results yielded in a significant interaction between the two explanatory variables. I ended up plotting the model using the persp() function
mylogit<- glm(fpergandei~mintemp2*moist2,data=fedelog,family="binomial")
press_grid <- seq(-2.2, 2.2, by = 0.1)
v_grid <- seq(-2.2, 2.2, by = 0.1)
newdat <- data.frame(mintemp2 = rep(press_grid, times = length(v_grid)),
moist2 = rep(v_grid, each = length(press_grid)))
pred <- predict.glm(mylogit, newdata = newdat, type="response")
z <- matrix(pred, length(press_grid))
res<-persp(press_grid, v_grid, z, xlab = "Min. Temperature", ylab =
"Moisture", zlab = "Predicted Probability", main = "Plot Name", theta = 60,
phi = 27, col = mycol)
I've also figured out how to use the persp function to plot confidence intervals.
pred2 <- predict.glm(mylogit, newdata = newdat, type="response", =
TRUE)#with confinterval
pred$ #standard errors for all predicted values
CIlow <- exp(pred-1.96*pred2$*pred2$
#calculating lower confidence interval
CIup <- exp(pred+1.96*pred2$*pred2$
#calculating upper confidence intervals
My issue is that when I plot surfaces of the upper and lower confidence intervals they overlap over and under each other:
res<-persp(press_grid, v_grid, ci.low, xlab = "Min. Temperature", ylab =
"Moisture", zlab = "Predicted Probability", main = "Lower Confidence
Interval", theta = 60, phi = 27, col = "grey") #surface w/ CI low
res<-persp(press_grid, v_grid, z, xlab = "Min. Temperature", ylab =
"Moisture", zlab = "Predicted Probability", main = "Logistic Curve)", theta
= 60, phi = 27, col = mycol) #surface with pred
res<-persp(press_grid, v_grid, ci.up, xlab = "Min. Temperature", ylab =
"Moisture", zlab = "Predicted Probability", main = "Upper Confidence
Interval", theta = 60, phi = 27, col = "grey") #surface w/ CI low
Is there any way I can make it so that the surface plots end up not overlapping each other and just creating a mess?
Here is an attempt with plotly. Good thing about this approach is that you can rotate the view till you are satisfied with the perspective
mylogit <- glm(fpergandei ~ mintemp2 * moist2,
data = df,
family = "binomial")
the following two vectors can be called "mintemp2" and "moist2" I kept the following names because of the OP
press_grid <- seq(-2.2, 2.2, by = 0.1)
v_grid <- seq(-2.2, 2.2, by = 0.1)
newdat <- expand.grid(press_grid, v_grid) #the grid results in the same values as the newdat in the OP
colnames(newdat) <- c("mintemp2", "moist2")
pred <- predict.glm(mylogit, newdata = newdat, type="link", se=TRUE)
ymin <- mylogit$family$linkinv(pred$fit - 1.96 * pred$
ymax <- mylogit$family$linkinv(pred$fit + 1.96 * pred$
fit <- mylogit$family$linkinv(pred$fit)
z <- matrix(fit, length(press_grid))
ci.low <- matrix(ymin, length(press_grid))
ci.up <- matrix(ymax, length(press_grid))
plot_ly(x = press_grid, y = v_grid) %>%
add_surface(z = z,
colorscale = list(c(0,1),c("red","blue"))) %>%
add_surface(z = ci.low, opacity = 0.5, showscale = FALSE, colorscale = list(c(0,1),c("grey","grey"))) %>%
add_surface(z = ci.up, opacity = 0.5, showscale = FALSE, colorscale = list(c(0,1),c("grey","grey")))
Here is an idea how to plot this in 2 dimensions which I think is more effective
data.frame(pred = fit,
low = ymin,
high = ymax,
newdat) %>%
filter(moist2 %in% unique(.$moist2)[c(T, rep(F, 3))]) %>%
mutate(facet = factor(rep(c("-2.2 - -1.4", "-1 - -0.2", "0.2 - 1", "1.4 - 2.2"), each = length(.$moist2)/4),
levels = c("-2.2 - -1.4", "-1 - -0.2", "0.2 - 1", "1.4 - 2.2")),
moist2 = as.factor(moist2)) %>%
geom_line(aes(x = mintemp2, y = pred, color = moist2))+
geom_ribbon(aes(x = mintemp2, ymin = low, ymax = high, fill = moist2), alpha = 0.1)+
facet_wrap(~facet, ncol = 2)+
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
In general using fewer values of one variable, and spiting the range into facets. At first look one can see the 0.2 - 1 moist2 range changes the direction of the probability function which I think is quite interesting and emphasizes the interaction of these two variables. Something I failed to see with the 3D plot.