@objc func keyboardWasShown(_ notification:NSNotification) {
var userinfo = notification.userInfo!
let kbSize:NSValue = userinfo[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as! NSValue
let kbRectSize = kbSize.cgRectValue
let edgeInsects = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0,kbRectSize.height + 10, 0)
self.scrollView.contentInset = edgeInsects
self.scrollView.scrollIndicatorInsets = edgeInsects
// active text field
var aRect:CGRect = self.view.frame
aRect.size.height -= kbRectSize.height
scrollView.isScrollEnabled = true
scrollView.scrollRectToVisible(activeField.frame, animated: true)
aRect = CGRect.zero
The scrollview will scroll for first time as intended and then becomes unresponsive. The code was working fine until Xcode 8.3 without any issues.
please confirm whether it's a bug or not and how to circumvent it.Thanks in advance.
// ==== solution =====//
// ==== USE UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey ===
// as UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey return height as 0 for some
//reason on second call onwards , some weird bug indeed.
var userinfo = notification.userInfo!
// === bug fix =====
let kbSize:NSValue = userinfo[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as! NSValue
let kbRectSize = kbSize.cgRectValue
let edgeInsects = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0,kbRectSize.height + 10, 0)
self.scrollView.contentInset = edgeInsects
self.scrollView.scrollIndicatorInsets = edgeInsects
// active text field
var aRect:CGRect = self.view.frame
aRect.size.height -= kbRectSize.height
scrollView.isScrollEnabled = true
scrollView.scrollRectToVisible(activeField.frame, animated: true)
aRect = CGRect.zero
Solution Found , in Xcode 9, there seems to be some change in key - value pairs of Keyboard notification userInfo dictionary.
Use UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey instead of UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey,
As Value for UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey for some reason does not return the proper size of the keyboard on second call onwards.