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How to set windowsoftinputmode programmatically from Fragments?

I have a requirement in which I have one MainActivity. From this activity I instantiate 4 fragments(Let us say FragmentA, FragmentB, FragmentC, FragmentD.

Out of these four Fragments; on 3 Fragments(Let us say FragmentA, FragmentB, FragmentC), I want to set MainActivity's windowsoftinputmode() to SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_PAN so that window can resize.

And on one Fragment()let us say FragmentD), I want to set MainActivity's windowsoftinputmode() to SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_NOTHING.

So what I do is, on each Fragment's onViewCreated() method I execute the following line of code with changing LayoutParams flag:




Problem is that it not working and I am not able to setSoftInputMode correctly and I can not prevent window getting resized.

Same lines of code works perfectly when I execute them in onCreate() of MainActivity as shown :


But than the value is set for all four fragments. My MainActivity declaration in manifest is :


Can somebody help what I am doing wrong in this. I want to have behaviour different for different Fragments.


  • try this I found :

    aim to use two different modes for tabs. The modes are SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE and SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_NOTHING.


    The code line above simply doesn't work by itself. App always behaves in a state ADJUST_NOTHING. However, if windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" is inserted into tag in AndroidManifest.xml file, app window is resized as default. Additionally, when you call following line in fragment


    it will behave as expected and nothing is resized. worked by me!