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This app is not authorized to use Firebase Authentication.Please verify that the correct package name and SHA-1 are configured in the Firebase Console

Firebase auth was working fine, the debug build suddenly started failing without any change of code, logging the folloing message

D/PhoneAuthActivity( 7392): This app is not authorized to use Firebase Authentication. Please verifythat the correct package name and SHA-1 are configured in the Firebase Console. [ App validation failed ].

The only notable action inbetween a successful login and failure is android studio upgrade.


  • When you updated Android Studio, the debug key which is used to sign debug apps might have changed. Just add the new SHA-1 checksum of your debug key in the firebase console.

    Easiest way would be to connect/sync to firebase from


    If you want to do it manually or for release keystore, first generate SHA-1 checksum using following command:

    keytool -list -v -keystore KEYSTORE_PATH -alias ALIAS_NAME

    Then copy the SHA-1 checksum and go to:

    Firebase Console > Your project > Settings of the app > Add Fingerprint

    For more info, read this guide: Authenticating Your Client | Google APIs for Android