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Shading forecasting Interval in time series in R using ggplot

Please refer to the dput of data . You may directly scroll down to objective and problem statement. Maybe you don't need data as you could have encountered this problem earlier.

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dput of data

structure(c(1709L, 1621L, 1973L, 1812L, 1975L, 1862L, 1940L, 
2013L, 1596L, 1725L, 1676L, 1814L, 1615L, 1557L, 1891L, 1956L, 
1885L, 1623L, 1903L, 1997L, 1704L, 1810L, 1862L, 1875L, 1705L, 
1619L, 1837L, 1957L, 1917L, 1882L, 1933L, 1996L, 1673L, 1753L, 
1720L, 1734L, 1563L, 1574L, 1903L, 1834L, 1831L, 1776L, 1868L, 
1907L, 1686L, 1779L, 1776L, 1783L, 1548L, 1497L, 1798L, 1733L, 
1772L, 1761L, 1792L, 1875L, 1571L, 1647L, 1673L, 1657L, 1382L, 
1361L, 1559L, 1608L, 1697L, 1693L, 1836L, 1943L, 1551L, 1687L, 
1576L, 1700L, 1397L, 1372L, 1708L, 1655L, 1763L, 1776L, 1934L, 
2008L, 1616L, 1774L, 1732L, 1797L, 1570L, 1413L, 1755L, 1825L, 
1843L, 1826L, 1968L, 1922L, 1670L, 1791L, 1817L, 1847L, 1599L, 
1549L, 1832L, 1840L, 1846L, 1865L, 1966L, 1949L, 1607L, 1804L, 
1850L, 1836L, 1542L, 1617L, 1920L, 1971L, 1992L, 2010L, 2054L, 
2097L, 1824L, 1977L, 1981L, 2000L, 1683L, 1663L, 2008L, 2024L, 
2047L, 2073L, 2127L, 2203L, 1708L, 1951L, 1974L, 1985L, 1760L, 
1771L, 2020L, 2048L, 2069L, 1994L, 2075L, 2027L, 1734L, 1917L, 
1858L, 1996L, 1778L, 1749L, 2066L, 2099L, 2105L, 2130L, 2223L, 
2174L, 1931L, 2121L, 2076L, 2141L, 1832L, 1838L, 2132L), .Tsp = c(1991, 
2004.16666666667, 12), class = "ts")

Creating data frame of ts object to use ggplot

tsd = data.frame(time = as.Date(ridership.ts), 
                 value = as.matrix(ridership.ts))

Building linear model

ridership.lm <- tslm(ridership.ts ~ trend + I(trend^2))

Adding new column to existing data frame tsd

tsd$linear_fit = as.matrix(ridership.lm$fitted.values)

Defining length of validation and training period

nValid = 36 
nTrain = length(ridership.ts) - nValid 

Training data

train.ts = window(ridership.ts, 
                  start = c(1991, 1),
                  end = c(1991, nTrain))

validation data

valid.ts = window(ridership.ts, 
                  start = c(1991, nTrain + 1), 
                  end = c(1991, nTrain + nValid))

Building model

ridership.lm = tslm(train.ts ~ trend + I(trend^2))

Forecasting using our build model

ridership.lm.pred = forecast(ridership.lm, h = nValid, level = 0)

Making dataframe for the fitted model values

tsd_train_model = data.frame(time = as.Date(train.ts), 
                             lm_fit_train = as.matrix(ridership.lm$fitted.values))

Making dataframe for plotting purpose

forecast_df = data.frame(time = as.Date(valid.ts), 
                         value = as.matrix(ridership.lm.pred$mean))

Creating plot using ggplot

p1 = ggplot(data = tsd, 
            aes(x = time, y = value)) + 
  geom_line(color = 'blue') + 
  ylim(1300, 2300) + 
  geom_line(data = tsd_train_model, 
            aes(x = time, y = lm_fit_train), 
            color = 'red')

p2 = p1 + 
  geom_line(data = forecast_df, 
            aes(x = time, y = value), 
            col = 'red', linetype = 'dotted') + 
  scale_x_date(breaks = date_breaks('1 years'), 
               labels = date_format('%b-%y')) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = as.numeric(c(tsd_train_model[NROW(tsd_train_model), ]$time,  #last date of training period
                                       forecast_df[NROW(forecast_df), ]$time))) #last date of testing period 

p3 = p2 + 
           x = c(tsd_train_model[NROW(tsd_train_model)/2, ]$time, 
                 forecast_df[NROW(forecast_df) / 2,]$time),
           y = 2250, 
           label = c('Training Period', 'Validation Period')) 

enter image description here

Objective: I want to add forecast error of 5 percentile and 95 percentile on both side of predicted line (dotted red in this figure) and shade the region.

I used quantile for producting forecast range

q = quantile(ridership.lm.pred$residuals, c(.05, .95))

percentile_5 = as.numeric(q[1])
percentile_95 = as.numeric(q[2])

Add 5 percentile and 95 percentile to the forecast data

yl = forecast_df$value + percentile_5 
ym =  forecast_df$value  + percentile_95

Problem: If I use the below command then it is not displaying the shaded region for the complete validation period.

p3 + geom_ribbon(data = forecast_df, 
                 aes(ymin = yl, 
                     ymax = ym), 

enter image description here


[1] 0

[1] 36

[1] 0

Things Tried: If I replace the value of ymin and ymax by any other value for example If I use the below command then I get the figure shown just below the command

p3 + geom_ribbon(data = forecast_df, 
                 aes(ymin = rep(1750,36), 
                     ymax = rep(2000,36), 

enter image description here

My Questions:

Can anyone please tell me the reason behind the output in figure 2? Why R is giving strange output as in figure 2?

Can anyone please help me to shade the complete region using ggplot?


  • TLDR: remove the line ylim(1300, 2300) + from your ggplot code.

    When you set your plot's limits using scale_x_***() / scale_y_*** (or equivalently xlim() / ylim()), the plot will throw away all data points that fall outside this range. In the case of a geom_ribbon that requires both ymin & ymax values, when the values corresponding to ymax get removed (since they are larger than 2300), the ribbon can't be plotted with only ymin, hence the ribbon stops short before then.

    If you really want to plot only for the range (1300, 2300), set the limits inside coord_cartesian() instead. This enables the plot to zoom to the range limit, without discarding data points outside. See the documentation for more information.

    Other non-essential suggestions below:

    For plotting in ggplot, I'd usually try to keep everything within the same data frame, as far as possible, to utilise common variables in the aesthetic mappings. Here's how I'd do it:

    Combining everything into a single data frame:

    df <- left_join(tsd %>% select(time, value),
                    rbind(tsd_train_model %>% 
                            rename(fit = lm_fit_train) %>%
                            mutate(status = "train"),
                          forecast_df %>%
                            rename(fit = value) %>%
                            mutate(status = "valid")))
    df <- df %>%
      mutate(yl = ifelse(status == "valid", fit + percentile_5, NA),
             ym = ifelse(status == "valid", fit + percentile_95, NA))
    > head(df)
            time value      fit status yl ym
    1 1991-01-01  1709 1882.681  train NA NA
    2 1991-02-01  1621 1876.546  train NA NA
    3 1991-03-01  1973 1870.518  train NA NA
    4 1991-04-01  1812 1864.597  train NA NA
    5 1991-05-01  1975 1858.784  train NA NA
    6 1991-06-01  1862 1853.078  train NA NA
    > tail(df)
              time value      fit status       yl       ym
    154 2003-10-01  2121 2190.490  valid 1934.914 2397.875
    155 2003-11-01  2076 2200.756  valid 1945.179 2408.141
    156 2003-12-01  2141 2211.129  valid 1955.553 2418.514
    157 2004-01-01  1832 2221.609  valid 1966.033 2428.994
    158 2004-02-01  1838 2232.197  valid 1976.620 2439.582
    159 2004-03-01  2132 2242.891  valid 1987.315 2450.277


    ggplot(data = df,
           aes(x = time)) +
      # place the ribbon below all other geoms for easier viewing, & increase transparency
      geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = yl, ymax = ym), fill = "gray30", alpha = 0.2) +
      # original values
      geom_line(aes(y = value), color = "blue") +
      # fitted values (line type differs by training / validation)
      geom_line(aes(y = fit, linetype = status), color = "red") +
      # indicates validation range
      geom_vline(xintercept = c(min(df$time[df$status=="valid"]),
                                max(df$time[df$status=="valid"]))) +
      scale_x_date(breaks = scales::date_breaks('1 year'), 
                   labels = scales::date_format('%b-%y')) +
      # hide legend for line type (comment this line out if you want to show it)
      scale_linetype(guide = F) + 
      # limits can be tweaked here
      coord_cartesian(ylim = c(1300, 2500)) +
      # plain white plot background for easier viewing


    Edit: Alternative solution that makes legends easier:

    # create long data frame where all values (original / training / validation) are
    # in the same column
    df2 <- rbind(tsd %>% select(time, value) %>%
                   mutate(status = "original"),
                 tsd_train_model %>% 
                   rename(value = lm_fit_train) %>%
                   mutate(status = "train"),
                 forecast_df %>%
                   mutate(status = "valid")) %>%
      mutate(yl = ifelse(status == "valid", value + percentile_5, NA),
             ym = ifelse(status == "valid", value + percentile_95, NA))
    # in the scales for colour / line type, define the same labels in order to
    # combine the two legends
    ggplot(data = df2,
           aes(x = time)) +
      geom_ribbon(data = subset(df2, !,
                  aes(ymin = yl, ymax = ym, fill = "interval"), alpha = 0.2) +
      geom_line(aes(y = value, color = status, linetype = status)) +
      geom_vline(xintercept = c(min(df2$time[df$status=="valid"]),
                                max(df2$time[df$status=="valid"]))) +
      scale_x_date(breaks = scales::date_breaks('1 year'), 
                   labels = scales::date_format('%b-%y')) +
      scale_color_manual(name = "",
                         values = c("original" = "blue",
                                    "train" = "red",
                                    "valid" = "red")) +
      scale_linetype_manual(name = "",
                     values = c("original" = "solid",
                                "train" = "solid",
                                "valid" = "longdash")) +
      scale_fill_manual(name = "",
                        values = c("interval" = "gray30")) +
      coord_cartesian(ylim = c(1300, 2500)) +
      theme_classic() +
      theme(legend.position = "bottom")
