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LDAP specific ACL for each users

I'm looking for a way to allow LDAP users to write into a branch that has their names. For example, I want each users A, B, C allowed to write into a cn=A,ou=foo, cn=B,ou=foo, cn=C,ou=foo... Is there a way to do that without writing it explicitly.

Not like that:

access: to subtree="cn=A,ou=foo"
  by dn.exact="uid=A,ou=people" write
access: to subtree="cn=B,ou=foo"
  by dn.exact="uid=B,ou=people" write

With a regex maybe?


  • Something like that will work:

    olcAccess: to dn.regex=".+,cn=([^,]+),ou=foo$"
      by dn.exact,expand="uid=$1,ou=people" write
      by users read
      by * none

    Each user will have write access to a branch with their name in ou=foo.