I'm building a simple server that uses HttpListener
to process requests. The query string parameters I send to it are url encoded if necessary. For example, to send the Kanji string "尺八"
, the encoding is "%E5%B0%BA%E5%85%AB"
My sample url, then is "/?q=%E5%B0%BA%E5%85%AB"
In my context callback, I have:
HttpListenerContext context = Listener.EndGetContext();
string rawUrl = context.Request.RawUrl;
string query = context.Request.QueryString["q"];
Checking the results, I get:
rawUrl = "/?q=%E5%B0%BA%E5%85%AB"
query = "尺八"
But if I look at context.Request.Url
, I get {http://localhost:8080/?q=尺八}
It looks like the query string in context.Request.QueryString
is being decoded using some encoding other than UTF-8.
My workaround is to ignore context.Request.QueryString
and create my own by doing this:
var queryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(context.Request.Url.Query);
That gives me the correct value, but it seems like something of a hack.
Is there any way to tell the HttpListener
(or the context, or the request) to interpret the query string as UTF-8, which I think is the standard anyway? Or should I just live with this workaround?
By looking at the code, it relies on ContentEncoding being set to UTF8. Here is the snipit from the QueryString property of HttpListenerRequest:
public NameValueCollection QueryString
NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection();
Helpers.FillFromString(nvc, this.Url.Query, true, this.ContentEncoding);
return nvc;
Since there is no way to modify the ContentEncoding property your stuck with your 'hack'. Anyway, I think your use of HttpUtility.ParseQueryString is likely going to serve you the best.