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Yii 1 and Yii 2

I am new to Yii 2, Normally I use Yii 1 to develop web application, now Yii have new version of Yii (Yii 2), Do I really need to go for Yii 2? Is there any security risk in Yii 1?

Because as I see Yii 2 is totally changed from Yii 1.


  • Yes !!, Yii 2 is completely different from Yii 1. There Is Difference in Structure Based:

    Difference In Basic And Advanced

    enter image description here

    Note: At The End You Have To Go With Yii2 Due To its Advance Advantages:

    • Simplifies Security
    • Shorten Development Time
    • Easy to Tune for Better Performance
    • Encourages Testing
    • Highly Extensible
    • Utilizes Modern Technologies