I have a async function and need to run in with apscheduller every N minutes. There is a python code below
URL_LIST = ['<url1>',
def demo_async(urls):
"""Fetch list of web pages asynchronously."""
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # event loop
future = asyncio.ensure_future(fetch_all(urls)) # tasks to do
loop.run_until_complete(future) # loop until done
async def fetch_all(urls):
tasks = [] # dictionary of start times for each url
async with ClientSession() as session:
for url in urls:
task = asyncio.ensure_future(fetch(url, session))
tasks.append(task) # create list of tasks
_ = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) # gather task responses
async def fetch(url, session):
"""Fetch a url, using specified ClientSession."""
async with session.get(url) as response:
resp = await response.read()
if __name__ == '__main__':
scheduler = AsyncIOScheduler()
scheduler.add_job(demo_async, args=[URL_LIST], trigger='interval', seconds=15)
print('Press Ctrl+{0} to exit'.format('Break' if os.name == 'nt' else 'C'))
# Execution will block here until Ctrl+C (Ctrl+Break on Windows) is pressed.
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
But when i tried to run it i have the next error info
Job "demo_async (trigger: interval[0:00:15], next run at: 2017-10-12 18:21:12 +04)" raised an exception.....
..........\lib\asyncio\events.py", line 584, in get_event_loop
% threading.current_thread().name)
RuntimeError: There is no current event loop in thread '<concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x0356B150>_0'.
Could you please help me with this? Python 3.6, APScheduler 3.3.1,
Just pass fetch_all
to scheduler.add_job()
directly. The asyncio scheduler supports coroutine functions as job targets.
If the target callable is not a coroutine function, it will be run in a worker thread (due to historical reasons), hence the exception.