I'm trying to launch an EC2 instance on my personal AWS account, but getting the following error:
Launch Failed
This account is currently blocked and not recognized as a valid account. Please contact aws-verification@amazon.com if you have questions.
Hide launch log
Creating security groups
Successful (sg-77e2ae10)
Authorizing inbound rules
Initiating launches
So I sent an email explaining, and got the following answer:
Greetings from Amazon Web Services.
Thank you for contacting us regarding this matter. We reviewed your account and confirmed that your Amazon Web Services account has been successfully verified. You may now begin launching instances.
Thank you for using Amazon Web Services.
Amazon Web Services
But tried again and got the same error. Sent a new email, and got the same answer. Retried and still can't launch...
Apparently there's no problem with my payment method or anything like that. Also tried to launch it in different regions, like n. virginia, oregon and são paulo. Got the same error.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Here is an email that I got from AWS:
Dear AWS Customer,
Thank you for signing up with Amazon Web Services!
As a new customer, you can launch Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances in 3 AWS regions. We suggest you to use the regions US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), but if you prefer other regions please contact us at
aws-verification@amazon.comand let us know which 3 regions are more convenient for you. You can find the list of regions and which services are available in each of the regions at http://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/globalinfrastructure/regional-product-services/. Please make sure you are not running EC2 instances in the region you are transitioning from.If you have a use case that requires you to run EC2 instances in more than 3 regions, please contact us at
aws-verification@amazon.comdescribing your use case and we will increase the number of available regions.This limitation is temporary and only affects EC2 – other AWS services are available in all regions.
Sincerely, Amazon Web Services
So please change your region to US West (Oregon) or US East (N. Virginia) or US East (Ohio) and then it will works. If you still want to use other regions, you may submit a request on this page: https://support.aws.amazon.com/#/contacts/aws-account-verification