I'm trying to use repo to fetch several git repositories for a project. I have a personal git server where all the git repositories are hosted
I'm able to manually clone individual repos executing this command:
git clone my_repo@my_repo_address:repo_a
But since I need the same repositories for different projects I decided to use REPO instead of cloning manually.
I have created a default.xml file to work with and it contains the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remote name="project"
<project name="repo_a" remote="project" revision="master" path="a"/>
<project name="repo_b" remote="project" revision="master" path="b"/>
<project name="repo_c" remote="project" revision="master" path="c"/>
I have this default.xml file hosted on the same git server on a repository called git-repo-fetch. I can successfully init the repo as follows:
repo init -u my_repo@my_repo_address:git-repo-fetch
And it inits successfully. But when I execute repo sync I get the error:
Fetching project repo_c
fatal: 'git-repo-fetch/my_repo@my_repo_address/repo_c' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
And my question is why is repo concatenating the XML repo name (git-repo-fetch) with the fetch address (my_repo@my_repo_address)?
By doing so, it tries to fetch from git-repo-fetch/my_repo@my_repo_address which is wrong.
As far as I can see (like in this thread from 2011), repo
has always supported the ssh:// URL scheme
And not the scp-like syntax user@host:repo
is a nice shorthand on the command line, butssh://
is less ambiguous for a manifest XML file.
With the scp-syntax, repo
does "munge" the URL, as mentioned in 2012.