I am using https://www.moengage.com/ to generate the smart trigger campaign notification alert for my users for desktop and mobile.
using their <link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json">
<script type="text/javascript">
i['moengage_object']=r;t={}; q = function(f){return function(){(i['moengage_q']=i['moengage_q']||[]).push({f:f,a:arguments});};};
f = ['track_event','add_user_attribute','add_first_name','add_last_name','add_email','add_mobile',
for(k in f){t[f[k]]=q(f[k]);}
i['moe']=i['moe'] || function(){n=arguments[0];return t;}; a.onload=function(){if(n){i[r] = moe(n);}};
Moengage = moe({
debug_logs: 0
campaign is created and I can view the notification alert pop up but when I click "allow" it is not throwing the notifications.
how do I solve this ?
Hi I work at MoEngage currently. Smart Triggers are not instantaneous. There is a processing time of about 5 minutes before the notification is sent out. What you can do instead is wait for our callback event (docs -> https://docs.moengage.com/docs/tracking-opt-ins-on-your-own#section-this-is-how-you-can-add-listeners-for-the-events-mentioned-above-) and show a welcome notification by javascript.
else if (e.detail == "opt_in_allowed") {
function spawnNotification() {
var title = "Your title";
var body = "Your body";
var icon = "https://path.to.your/icon/file";
var options = {
body: body,
icon: icon
navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function(sw_reg) {
var n = sw_reg.showNotification(title, options);
}).catch(function(e) {