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Angular: Differentiate between a parameter and child route

I have a situation where, I want a resolver if the child route is a param, and not if it's a path segment. Below is my code.

    path: 'agreement',
    children: [
        path: ':id',
        component: AgreementComponent,
        resolve: { agreementDetails: AgreementDetailsResolveService }
        path: 'create',
        component: AgreementComponent

When I hit the path agreement/create, it's throwing error, as create is considered as the value of the param id and it's invalid.

Please help me with this.


  • Rearrange your route definition:

        path: 'agreement',
        children: [
            path: 'create',
            component: AgreementComponent
            path: ':id',
            component: AgreementComponent,
            resolve: { agreementDetails: AgreementDetailsResolveService }