In my ZF2 Application, I had several custom form Elements with an injected database Adapter. I put the configuration in the module.php file with a method, like this:
public function getFormElementConfig()
return array(
'factories' => [
'dksCodeElementSelect' => function($container)
$db = $container->get(AdapterInterface::class);
$elemnt = new Form\Element\Select\DksCodeElementSelect();
return $elemnt;
How can I configure custom form elements within a zend-expressive application?
Form class calls elements via 'FormElementManger'. and FormElementManager reads 'form_elements' key from config. It's basicly a container (service manager) so you have to configure it same as container (factories, invokables, aliases etc). Also, you have to register Zend/Form module to container. I didn't try it but has to be ths way;
(ps: it's too late here, if it doesn't work let me know so i can put a working example.)
class MyModule\ConfigProvider {
public function __invoke()
return [
'dependencies' => $this->getDependencies(),
'templates' => $this->getTemplates(),
'form_elements => [
/* this is where you will put configuration */
'factories' => [
MyElement::class => MyElementFactory::class,