I am passing a string that represents a variable name to a function. Essentially I want to add new information to the variable, the problem I'm having is that it doesn't actually attach the new information to the S4 object, it just creates a new variable with myObjName.newinfo that is actually unrelated to the original object.
Here is what I've tried so far.
myS4 <- makeSomeS4()
myFunction <- function(myS4name)
#Get the actual s4 object based on the variable name.
res <- get(myS4name)
#Make sure they're passing us the correct type of object.
try(if(typeof(res) != "S4") stop("Error: extract_res_data requires S4 type object as result set for parameter res."))
#I've tried this way with eval.
myNum = 5
myNum_assign <- paste(myS4name, ".myNum", " <<- ", myNum, sep="")
#I've tried this way with assign.
myNum = 5
myNum_assign = paste(resName, ".myNum", sep="")
assign(myNum_assign, myNum, envir = .GlobalEnv)
So now I can run this function, then say
> myFunction("myS4")
> myS4.myNum
Looks fine at first glance, but actually the myS4.myNum is it's own variable and has nothing to do with myS4. So if I later pass myS4 to another function, and then try to access .myNum, it doesn't exist.
How can I properly attach the new values to the S4? It will not always be simple data sets, sometimes I will need to attach data frames or lists for instance.
I appreciate any help anyone can offer.
In short, dot notation does not work like this in R. In R dots are completely valid parts of a variable name and function just like an underscore. When you assign a value to myS4.myNum
you are simply creating a new variable with that name, as you discovered.
Here's a short example of how S4 slots are used:
setClass("my_class", representation(my_val = "numeric"))
my_object <- new("my_class")
my_object@my_val <- 5
But there's much more to it, beyond the scope of an SO answer. Check out http://adv-r.had.co.nz/S4.html, etc., for more info on how S4 objects work.