For a collision system that I'm building I need to have a vector of images:
vector<PictureBox^> Wall{ Player1,Wall_1,Wall_2 };
This is how I have instantiated the vector, this does not compile successfully.
vector<PictureBox^> Wall;
You can instantiate the vector like this perfectly fine since nothing is being added to it.
And when I try to compile the program with the first instantiation these are some of the errors I get...
I have tried pretty much all standard compliant containers such as list and deque, but to no prevail.
Any ideas?
You cannot mix standard C++ with C++/CLI, as their types have special requirements (like their pointers are garbage collected). You'll have to use their specific containers if you want to store gc-ed pointers in it.
For example, a general purpose array is List
List<PictureBox^>^ list = gcnew List<PictureBox^>();