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CNTK c# logistic regression w and b variable values

I know CNTK for C# is kind of new but I hope someone can help me out. I was folling this logistic regression example in python: to run this C# example:

I changed a few lines to display the result and the code runs without errors but I would like to get the values of the weight matrix and bias vector so I can draw in my chart a line between 2 classes. Does someone know which variable contains these values and how to output them? trainer variable? classifierOutput function?


  • When you create the linear model, you have the weightParam and biasParam parameters. Here is how you can get data from these parameters:

    NDArrayView weightArrayView = weightParam.Value();
    Value weightValue = new Value(weightArrayView);
    IList<IList<float>> weightData = weightValue.GetDenseData<float>(weightParam);