I use Gritter notifications in Rails 5 app and can't find a way to remove default title of the notification popup. I add Gritter as bellow:
<%= js add_gritter(flash[:notice], title: 'I dont need you', sticky: false) %>
<%= js add_gritter(flash[:notice], title: false, sticky: false) %>
<%= js add_gritter(flash[:notice], title: nil, sticky: false) %>
<%= js add_gritter(flash[:notice], title: '', sticky: false) %>
<%= js add_gritter(flash[:notice], title: ' ', sticky: false) %>
And still popup appears with the default title - "Notification". Tried to search in the whole app's project "Notification" or "gritter", but nothing related was found.
How to get rid of it?
The add_gritter
method in the gem sets the options[:title]
as "Notification" if options[:title].blank?
returns true.
The "dirty" option is to define it again, with a hash of options instead *args
, and to render the title if it was passed as an option argument, like:
def add_gritter(text, options={})
if %w(success warning error notice progress).include?(options[:image].to_s)
options[:image] = image_path("#{options[:image]}#{options[:image].to_s == 'progress' ? '.gif' : '.png'}")
notification = Array.new
notification.push("jQuery(function(){") if options[:nodom_wrap].blank?
notification.push("image:'#{options[:image]}',") if options[:image].present?
notification.push("sticky:#{options[:sticky]},") if options[:sticky].present?
notification.push("time:#{options[:time]},") if options[:time].present?
notification.push("class_name:'#{options[:class_name]}',") if options[:class_name].present?
notification.push("before_open:function(e){#{options[:before_open]}},") if options[:before_open].present?
notification.push("after_open:function(e){#{options[:after_open]}},") if options[:after_open].present?
notification.push("before_close:function(e){#{options[:before_close]}},") if options[:before_close].present?
notification.push("after_close:function(e){#{options[:after_close]}},") if options[:after_close].present?
notification.push("on_click:function(e){#{options[:on_click]}},") if options[:on_click].present?
notification.push("title:'#{escape_javascript(options[:title])}',") if options[:title].blank? # Here
notification.push("});") if options[:nodom_wrap].blank?
text.present? ? notification.join.html_safe : nil
But the gritter.js file has an if
to check if the title
has any content, so you should have to deal with your own and edit it, just to check for the text, like:
//We might have some issues if we don't have a title or text!
if (!params.text) {
throw 'You need to fill out the text parameter.';