The treemap was working fine in shiny but when I converted to shinydashboard the treemap stopped working. It just show a blank block now. Any ideas how to fix this?
This is in my server.R
output$TreeMap<-renderHighchart2({TM1<-hctreemap2(data = M,
group_vars = c("Status","Class","Order", "Family","Species"),
size_var = "n",
color_var = "n",
layoutAlgorithm = "squarified",
levelIsConstant = T,
levels = list(
list(level = 1, dataLabels = list(enabled = T)),
list(level = 2, dataLabels = list(enabled = F)),
list(level = 3, dataLabels = list(enabled = F)),
list(level = 4, dataLabels = list(enabled = F)),
list(level = 5, dataLabels = list(enabled = F))
)) %>%
hc_colorAxis(minColor = brewer.pal(9, "GnBu")[6],
maxColor = brewer.pal(9, "YlOrRd")[8]) %>%
hc_tooltip(pointFormat = "<b>{}</b>:<br>
Number Measured: {point.value:,.0f}")
This is in my ui.R
tabItem(tabName = "About",
tabPanel("TreeMap",box(width = 12,highchartOutput2("TreeMap",height = "750px"))))
The problem was that I had renderHighchart2
and highchartOutput2
also in the script.I changed them all to renderHighchart
and highchartOutput
now everything works again. So, for some reason you can't have both in your script, possibly, I don't know.