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How to extract Geographic data from open street map or Google maps

i need to retrieve all the city names from a specific country using openstreet map or google maps. is there any API available?

or is there any other way of getting this world geographic data?


  • You should definitely checkout GeoNames. They have the entire world in a standardized database. You can download it or use their API.

    I download the US database and use a connector I created in C# to insert States, Cities, Towns, and Zip Codes in my database.

        public static class GeoNamesConnector
        #region GeoName Constants
        private static readonly string GeoNamesPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/GeoNames/US.txt");
        const int GeoNameIdColumn = 0;
        const int NameColumn = 1;
        const int LatitudeColumn = 4;
        const int LongitudeColumn = 5;
        const int FeatureCodeColumn = 7;
        const int CountryCodeColumn = 8;
        const int Admin1CodeColumn = 10;
        const int Admin2CodeColumn = 11;
        #region AlternateName Constants
        private static readonly string AlternateNamesPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/GeoNames/alternateNames.txt");
        const int AlternateNameIdColumn = 0;
        const int AltNameGeoNameIdColumn = 1;
        const int IsoLanguageColumn = 2;
        const int AlternateNameColumn = 3;
        public static void AddAllEntities(GeoNamesEntities entities)
            //Remember to turn off Intellitrace
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            var geoNamesSortedList = AddGeoNames(entities);
            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Added GeoNames: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed));
            SetupGeoNameChildRelationships(geoNamesSortedList, entities);
            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Setup GeoName parent/child relationships: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed));
            AddPostalCodeAlternateNames(geoNamesSortedList, entities);
            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Added postal codes and relationships with parent GeoNames: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed));
        private static SortedList<int, GeoName> AddGeoNames(GeoNamesEntities entities)
            var lineReader = File.ReadLines(GeoNamesPath);
            var geoNames = from line in lineReader.AsParallel()
                           let fields = line.Split(new char[] { '\t' })
                           let fieldCount = fields.Length
                           where fieldCount >= 9
                           let featureCode = fields[FeatureCodeColumn]
                           where featureCode == "ADM1" || featureCode == "ADM2" || featureCode == "PPL"
                           let name = fields[NameColumn]
                           let id = string.IsNullOrEmpty(fields[GeoNameIdColumn]) ? 0 : int.Parse(fields[GeoNameIdColumn])
                           orderby id
                           select new GeoName
                               Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                               GeoNameId = id,
                               Name = fields[NameColumn],
                               Latitude = string.IsNullOrEmpty(fields[LatitudeColumn]) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(fields[LatitudeColumn]),
                               Longitude = string.IsNullOrEmpty(fields[LongitudeColumn]) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(fields[LongitudeColumn]),
                               FeatureCode = featureCode,
                               CountryCode = fields[CountryCodeColumn],
                               Admin1Code = fieldCount < 11 ? "" : fields[Admin1CodeColumn],
                               Admin2Code = fieldCount < 12 ? "" : fields[Admin2CodeColumn]
            var sortedList = new SortedList<int, GeoName>();
            int i = 1;
            foreach (var geoname in geoNames)
                sortedList.Add(geoname.GeoNameId, geoname);
                if (i++ % 20000 == 0)
            return sortedList;
        private static void SetupGeoNameChildRelationships(SortedList<int, GeoName> geoNamesSortedList, GeoNamesEntities entities)
            foreach (var geoName in geoNamesSortedList.Where(g => g.Value.FeatureCode == "ADM2" || g.Value.FeatureCode == "ADM1"))
                //Setup parent child relationship
                IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, GeoName>> children = null;
                switch (geoName.Value.FeatureCode)
                    case "ADM1":
                        children =
                                g =>
                                g.Value.FeatureCode == "ADM2" &&
                                g.Value.Admin1Code == geoName.Value.Admin1Code);
                    case "ADM2":
                        children =
                                g =>
                                g.Value.FeatureCode == "PPL" &&
                                g.Value.Admin1Code == geoName.Value.Admin1Code &&
                                g.Value.Admin2Code == geoName.Value.Admin2Code);
                if (children != null)
                    foreach (var child in children)
        private static void AddPostalCodeAlternateNames(SortedList<int, GeoName> geoNamesSortedList, GeoNamesEntities entities)
            var lineReader = File.ReadLines(AlternateNamesPath);
            var alternativeNames = from line in lineReader.AsParallel()
                                   let fields = line.Split(new char[] { '\t' })
                                   let fieldCount = fields.Length
                                   where fieldCount >= 4 && fields[IsoLanguageColumn] == "post"
                                   let geoNameId = int.Parse(fields[AltNameGeoNameIdColumn])
                                   orderby geoNameId
                                   select new AlternateName
                                       Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                       AlternateNameId = int.Parse(fields[AlternateNameIdColumn]),
                                       ParentGeoNameId = geoNameId,
                                       Name = fields[AlternateNameColumn],
                                       IsoLanguage = fields[IsoLanguageColumn]
            //Iterate through to convert from lazy (AsParallel) so it is ready for use
            foreach (var alternateName in alternativeNames)
                int key = alternateName.ParentGeoNameId;
                if (geoNamesSortedList.ContainsKey(key))
                    alternateName.Parent = geoNamesSortedList[key];

    There is also Open Street Maps that you can download or use their API.

    I do not suggest Yahoo's new API they are cutting products left and right and you never know how long it will be around. Also you cannot download a whole dump currently.