I am using the following code for a video link in my page:
<a id="slide1" href="http://www.youtube.com/v/abcdef" title="aha">
<img src=\"http://www.test.something.com/hwdvideos/thumbs/oopsie.jpg"
I have the following JavaScript code:
function showvid(var1)
document.getElementById('videoshowX').setInnerFBML("<fb:flv src='http://www.mediacollege.com/video-gallery/testclips/barsandtone.flv' width='400' height='300' title='my movie' color='#FFBB00' salign='r' img='http://www.example.com/test.jpg' scale='showall'/>");
My problem is this:
I can get to set the inner FBML thingy. It doesnt do anything. However, any other text or link works just fine. Can anyone please enlighten me? Thanks.
You can't pass a string to setInnerFBML. You have to pass a fb:js-string OBJECT.