I have a FireMonkey TListView in a project. It's using a DynamicAppearance, each item features a couple of text entries and a glyph button. What I cannot seem to figure out is how to set the glyph image for that button when I build the list.
For example, when building the list items, I can do this for a text field:
lviAmount := lvi.Objects.FindObjectT<TListItemText>('Amount');
lviAmount.Text := FloatToStrF( tx.amount, ffNumber, 7, 2);
But I cannot see how to do the same thing with a TListItemGlyphButton:
lviDelete := lvi.Objects.FindObjectT<TListItemGlyphButton>('DeleteButton');
How can I set/assign the glyph image on a TListItemGlyphButton in a FireMonkey TListView? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You cannot do that with a TListViewGlyphButton. It's only for Add, Delete or CheckBox button types. If you want to have an image of your own, use TListItemImage, and use the Bitmap property, e.g:
lviDelete := lvi.Objects.FindObjectT<TListItemImage>('DeleteButton');
lviDelete.Bitmap := SomeBitmap;
You'll also need to use the OnListViewItemClickEx event to determine whether or not it was the image that was clicked