I am trying to write a API that has a "boat" resource and I want to build off of that url with an ID and another resource.
I originally had:
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
('/boat/(.*)/arrival', ArrivalHandler),
], debug=True)
But that kept grabbing the "/arrival" as part of the ID. So I tried:
('/boat/(.*?(?=\/)/arrival', ArrivalHandler)
('/boat/(.*?(?=\/arrival)/arrival', ArrivalHandler)
Is what I am trying to do possible and if so how?
In ('/boat/(.*)/arrival', ArrivalHandler)
the regex is too greedy, and doesn't match the webapp2 URI format. If the ID is always just lower-case ascii and digits, you could use:
('/boat/<:[a-z0-9]+>/arrival', ArrivalHandler)
ought to work, or
('/boat/<id:[a-z0-9]+>/arrival', ArrivalHandler)
if you want a named parameter.