How to possible check Children Router Active Or Not, Show The status true or false in angular 4,
Now currently I'm use :
@angular/cli: 1.4.4
node: 8.6.0
typescript: 2.3.4
@angular/router: 4.4.4
my Parent route is:
const routes:Routes=[
path: '', component: SummaryOfFindingsComponent,
path:'data-time-frame', component: DataTimeFrameComponent
path:'email-address', component: EmailAddressesComponent
path:'repair-orders', component: RepairOrdersComponent
path:'total-records', component:TotalRecordsComponent
path:'unique-households', component: UniqueHouseholdsComponent
path:'unique-vins', component: UniqueVinsComponent
Parent component is :
export class SummaryOfFindingsComponent implements OnInit {
constructor() { this.isUserSelected=false; }
ngOnInit() { }
Import your parent component.ts
import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
and life cycle hooks ngOnInit() And create Refarence Of ActivatedRoute
constructor(private activeRouter:ActivatedRoute) {}
And Write Some code in your ngOnInit functions here..
ngOnInit() {
var _activeChild = this.activeRouter.children.length;
if (_activeChild!=0) {
//your active children 1 or more than children then active 1,otherwise it is 0
Note: This code is working my app ( Thank You )