Hello Friends I am stuck with my project. I am using AFNETWORKING for API hitting. I used some code for timeout
if (error.code == NSURLErrorTimedOut) {
//time out error here
It was working fine, But I change timeout time by changing the default value from 1 minute to 1:30 minute, then problem appears. AFURLConnectionOperation file showing error
Use of undeclared identifier 'NSURLErrorFailingURLErrorKey'
That affected my all afneworking related project. I changed library files but things are same. Help me, Any one.
you can solve it by removing the derived data for xcode., go to
xcode prefrence -> Locations -> derived data
now open derived data in finder
force close the xcode
force close the simulator
clear all derived data
relaunch your XCode project
the problem might be solved in the case if you have not deleted any iOS framework