Ok let's be precise. For many days I've been asking myself a question : Could it be possible to listen DNS request on a computer ( in my case a windows machine ) and ask to the program to execute a shell command if a special DNS is detected ?
I've been playing with this command :
ipconfig /displaydns | find "my.dns.com"
And as expected I'm able to find "my.dns.com" in my DNS cache.
BUT I'm not able to ask to the cmd :
Hey, listen for all the requests in continuous and when you detect "my.dns.com" please execute "music.exe".
So I imagined a program ( in Java ) doing it for me. Why java ? Because i'ts the only programming language that I'm able to use, I started with it so it's easier for me to understand it. But if what I'm looking for is not possible in Java, let me know it !
BUT ( again ) I don't know how to manage with DNS requests and neither ask for a java program to run in continuous. For the moment here is everything I could add to my program :
if ("my.dns.com" is detected) {
try {
String command = "cmd /c start music.exe";
Process child = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
OutputStream out = child.getOutputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
And maybe for running in continuous :
boolean running = true;
//main loop...
I know, that is very few but I don't even know where to look to answer my question.
Please, if you'r able to understand me ( Yes you behind your screen while eating Doritos ) could you at least help me to find my way ?
Precise if you want me to edit it :)
Perhaps this (untested) clip of PowerShell will get you going. I do not know that it is a good idea to clear the DNS cache, but that is up to you. If you do not, it will still be in there.
while ($true) {
$a = Get-DnsClientCache | ForEach-Object { $_.Name }
if ($a -contains 'the.dns.com') {
Start-Process C:\path\to\music.exe -Wait