Search code examples

How to represent this query in Elixir's Ecto Query format?

I'm having trouble "translating" the following SQL query into a valid Ecto query:

FROM file_modules 
WHERE file_id =
  (SELECT f.file_id
  FROM files AS f
  LEFT JOIN file_modules AS fm ON f.file_id = fm.file_id
  WHERE f.storage_id = '20:1:0:86d:1591:c89c:512:de52' AND = 'bruteforce'
  ORDER BY f.version DESC
  LIMIT 1)

I believe the way to go is to split this query into two. Here's what I've tried:

q1 = 
  |> where([f], f.storage_id == ^storage_id)
  |> join(:left, [f], fm in FileModule, f.file_id == fm.file_id)
  |> where([..., fm], == ^module_name)
  |> order_by([..., fm], desc: fm.version)
  |> select([fm], fm.file_id)
  |> limit(1)

# q1 works and returns the expected file_id

q2 =
  |> subquery()
  |> where([fm, fm2], fm.file_id == fm2.file_id)  # Here's where I'm stuck
  |> preload([..., m], [modules: m])

q1 has the following Ecto.Query result:

#Ecto.Query<from f0 in Helix.Software.Model.File,
 left_join: f1 in Helix.Software.Model.FileModule, on: f0.file_id == f1.file_id,
 where: f0.storage_id == ^(storage_id),
 where: == ^:bruteforce, order_by: [desc: f1.version], limit: 1,
 select: f0.file_id>

My problem seems to be with q2. How should I format it in order to use the results from q1 as input?

Thanks in advance.

I believe this question is agnostic to my underlying schema, but here it is:

schema "files" do
  field :file_id, ID,
    primary_key: true

  field :name, :string
  field :path, :string
  field :software_type, Constant
  field :file_size, :integer
  field :storage_id, Storage.ID

  field :crypto_version, :integer

  field :full_path, :string

  belongs_to :type, SoftwareType,
    foreign_key: :software_type,
    references: :software_type,
    define_field: false
  belongs_to :storage, Storage,
    foreign_key: :storage_id,
    references: :storage_id,
    define_field: false

  has_many :modules, FileModule,
    foreign_key: :file_id,
    references: :file_id,
    on_replace: :delete


schema "file_modules" do
  field :file_id, File.ID,
    primary_key: true
  field :name, Constant,
    primary_key: true
  field :version, :integer

  belongs_to :file, File,
    foreign_key: :file_id,
    references: :file_id,
    define_field: false,
    on_replace: :update

As mentioned by Jablanović on the comments, it's possible that the ORM abstraction fails sometimes. In that case, would it be possible to use the raw sql above while:

1) casting the File.ID and Storage.ID types, in order to avoid ugly string concatenation?

2) After returning the result, preloading or saving this result into the schema?

The interface I have in mind is something like:

q = "SELECT * FROM files WHERE file_id = $1", ^file_id
file = Repo.get(q) |> Repo.preload()

file.file_id  # Returns file id

As per the examples of Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query/4, it looks like I can achieve 1. How about 2?

My end goal would be to use the nested SQL query above, while casting file_id and storage_id safely, and using the %File{} schema correctly, with a loaded association at file.modules.

Note that a stored procedure or view would give me a better interface, which I could cast correctly using fragment, but I feel I'd still have problems with "preloading" that data into the schema.


  • Subquerys are currently not allowed in where clauses; the documentation recommends using a JOIN instead.

    I haven't tested it but the following query should produce the same results as your original SQL:

    q1 = ... # Same as in the question.
    q2 =
      |> join(:left, [fm], fid in subquery(q1), fm.file_id == fid)
      |> select([fm], fm)