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AI algorithm for multi dimension solution optimization / prediction

I have 6 int parameters ranging from 0 to 100

The total combination of the numbers are 100^6 and each combination gives a result ranging approx. from -10000 to 100000 or even more.

Input data example:
MySimulation (57, 78, 20, 10, 90, 50) = 300  <- Best Result
MySimulation (50, 80, 10, 90, 35, 8) = 200
MySimulation (4, 55, 40, 99, 40, 50) = -50 <- Worst Result

The higher the result the better the combination of numbers are, I already have the calculation which gives a result, I only need AI to find a better combination of numbers which gives a higher result.

Output data example:
55, 70, 25, 15, 95, 52   <- Let's say these combination of
                            numbers was choosen by AI and would 
                            give a result of 400 with my simulation

Note: The order of the numbers is also important.

How can I reduce the total combinations of 100^6 with AI, in order to get the best result without iterating through all 100^6 of combinations ?

I plan to use Accord.NET in C# (or is there something better?), an example of code would be helpful because I am new to AI.


  • Welcome to the domain of Multi-Objective Optimization. This is a field I wrote a dissertation on. There are numerous algorithms for solving problems of this kind, but perhaps the two most-famous are NSGA-II and SPEA2.

    Of course, you only have a single-objective: whatever it is your scoring function is yielding. I'd submit that multi-objective algorithms would also apply, because you're interested in not just a single solution, but populations of them.

    Might I point you to

    The idea is that you will be generating populations of random vectors containing inputs that range across your domain of 100^6 possible solutions. Those populations will be mutated and mated with each other to generate new solutions, and from those new populations, they are down-selected in such a way that the more preferred solutions are elected to remain (and survive the evolution).

    In the multi-world, you might have challenges comparing the fitness of different solutions. But in your single-objective world, comparing fitnesses are easy: you just need to decide whether you want higher numbers or lower. It seems like you want higher.


    1. Create random population of solutions.
    2. Randomly mutate/crossover across your solutions.
    3. Calculate fitness of everyone, and sort.
    4. Down-sample back to the initial population size of best solutions.
    5. Repeat Steps2-4 [until convergence: until avg fitness > threshold?]
    6. Output final generation.


    Here's a poor analysis, and to note, you could do much better by averaging result of (say) 20 runs at each parameter level. Right off the bat, you can tell that mutation rate should stay low, and obviously, a higher population size can help (to a converging point).

    Results formatted as average score before,after, with a max of 600







    I wrote this code in like 20 minutes, so it's not meant to be elegant or awesome. I hope it just gets the point across.

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Linq;
    namespace moo_in_csharp
        internal class Individual
            public int[] Decisions;
            public double Fitness;
            private int _numdecisions = 6;
            /// <summary>
            /// Default constructor.
            /// </summary>
            public Individual()
                Decisions = new int[_numdecisions];
            /// <summary>
            /// Replaces first half of decisions with those of the mate.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="mate"></param>
            public void Crossover(Individual mate)
                int crossoverPoint = _numdecisions / 2;
                for (int i = 0; i < crossoverPoint; i++)
                    Decisions[i] = mate.Decisions[i];
            /// <summary>
            /// Simple fitness function that computes sum of a+b+c+d+e+f.
            /// </summary>
            public double Evaluate()
                Fitness = Decisions.Sum();
                return Fitness;
            /// <summary>
            /// Assigns random values to its decisions.
            /// </summary>
            public void Generate()
                for (int i = 0; i < _numdecisions; i++)
                    Decisions[i] = Program.rand.Next(0, 101);
            /// <summary>
            /// Randomly mutate select decisions.
            /// </summary>
            public void Mutate()
                for (int i = 0; i < _numdecisions; i++)
                    Decisions[i] = Program.rand.Next(0, 101);
        internal class Program
            public static Random rand = new Random();
            private static void Main(string[] args)
                int populationSize = 100;
                int numGenerations = 50;
                double mutationRate = 0.2;
                double crossoverRate = 0.8;
                //build initial population
                List<Individual> solutions = new List<Individual>();
                for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
                    var solution = new Individual();
                //calculate average score of initial population
                var averageScoreBefore = solutions.Select(x => x.Evaluate()).Average();
                //iterate across number of generations
                for (int i = 0; i < numGenerations; i++)
                    //build offspring by mating sequential pairs of solutions
                    var offspring = new List<Individual>();
                    for (int e = 0; e < solutions.Count() - 1; e += 2)
                        if (rand.NextDouble() < crossoverRate)
                            var newIndividual = new Individual();
                            solutions[e].Decisions.CopyTo(newIndividual.Decisions, 0);
                            newIndividual.Crossover(solutions[e + 1]);
                    //add our offspring to our solutions
                    //mutate solutions at a low rate
                    foreach (var solution in solutions)
                        if (rand.NextDouble() < mutationRate)
                    //sort our solutions and down-sample to initial population size
                    solutions = solutions.OrderByDescending(x => x.Evaluate()).ToList();
                    solutions = solutions.Take(populationSize).ToList();
                //calculate average score after
                var averageScoreAfter = solutions.Select(x => x.Evaluate()).Average();
                Debug.WriteLine(averageScoreBefore + "," + averageScoreAfter);

    Other Notes

    Your runtime will mostly be dependent on your fitness scoring function. For simple math functions, this runtime won't be hard. Obviously, if there's a process involved instead, you'd want to keep the number of evaluations to a minimum. This is what I studied for my Ph.D., and developed a new algorithm entitled GALE: